Wednesday, November 18, 2009

beatniks and Bob Dylan

When I was younger, I'm pretty sure that I thought being an adult would be coffee in coffee shops, music, books, poetry, deep discussions and apparently, beatniks and Bob Dylan.

What did you think adulthood would be?


Jess said...

I thought I would be taller than this!

Katie said...

I imagined having a bunch of kids. Check. Having some dogs, check. Keeping an organized and beautiful home...uh-Having a great husband, check and that my kids would be sweet all the time-- still working on that one .

Jennifer T. said...

I envisioned myself devoted to my career with time to visit foreign places and go to cultural events. After four years of working, I was disillusioned with a job that didn't fulfill me anymore. I had always *planned* on having a family as well. But, it took me an extra ten years to become a mommy. I think your life turns out how it's supposed to. My life didn't follow the flight path I wanted but I've learned a lot along the way.

Anonymous said...

being mature and having all the answers!


Elissa Pugh said...

Jess-Me too!

Katie-I hear ya about the organized and beautiful home!

Jennifer-I agree that your life turns out how it's supposed to be. I also believe it is what you make it!

Katherine-Haha, really!