Saturday, April 3, 2010

laundry and sunshine

Thanks to some really delightful weather, I have been able to work on one of my greening goals, which is to better utilize my clothesline.

Washing away the mud and freshening up our shoes.

Wearing the laundry.



and spinning.


Jennifer T. said...

Looks like you both enjoyed the sunshine a bit!

Elizabeth said...

Elissa! He's so precious - and looks just like you. Sorry to hear about yours and Enil's immigration struggle but I hope for you that it will be resolved soon.

Reading your blog for the first time - love it! How was Blissdom? I was so sick that I couldn't make it but all the girls said it was fabulous. You're making the NYC trip in July? Hope to but no definite plans yet.

Elissa Pugh said...

Thanks Elizabeth!

Blissdom was great!

OK, you HAVE to come to BlogHer and you HAVE to be my roomie!