Sunday, November 20, 2011

ziggy's letter to santa

Dear Santa,

     I want lights that make the cars vroom, those big, giant things, and a Power Ranger morpher.

     I want so much.  I want two zombie stuff.  I want a swing like Goldie's, but a big brother one. 

     Goldie should get little, tiny, big things and a little, tiny car. 

     I'm being good and I know that.  I want more ice cream. 


P.S.  I want Cocoa Puffs.

Besides zombie stuff (the Doctor Dreadful Zombie Lab) and Cocoa Puffs, I have no clue what any of this is and/or if it even exists.  I think "those big, giant things" are these giant inflatable sharks that are filled with helium and radio controlled.  They seem cool, but I wasn't so sure once I read the reviews if they were really worth it.  Needless to say, I will be adding a supplemental list when we send this to Santa.

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