Tuesday, December 6, 2011

tuesday's ten: mama guilt

It seems nearly all of us moms do it.  We set those crazy, high expectations of being a perfect supermom.  It is time to let go of all of that, ladies.  Here's some ideas to get started:

1.  It's ok to buy your kid's Halloween costume some years...or all years.

2.  You don't have to want to talk in detail about your kid's puke and other bodily functions, much less the puke and other bodily functions of your friends' kids.  Blown chunks and yellow snot are always gross even if they come from really adorable, little people.  It's ok to want to talk about, but just remember it's not a requirement. 

3.  If you want to use cloth diapers and exclusively breastfeed, the crunchy police aren't coming for you if you sometimes have to use a bottle or disposable diapers.  Life happens.

4.  Sometimes kids are annoying, even your own.

5.  Nothing ever really goes the way you want or the way you plan, especially with kids and families and grown-up life.  You probably already know this yet act surprised when "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."  Just get over it already.

6.   Sometimes there will be dirty dishes in the sink and laundry that needs folded.  Is it really the end of the world?  Are dishes and clothes apocalyptic-level shit?  NO.

7.  Baths don't always happen every day.

8.  If you have to call poison control, you have to call poison control.

9.  Most of the time it is about them, but occasionally, it's about you.  And that's OK.

10.  As long as you feed, clothe, and love your kids unconditionally the rest is gravy.

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