Friday, March 16, 2012

foodie friday: creamy fennel dressing

This week I made bubble pizza, taco stuffed shells, and Honduran pan de coco.  They were all big hits with the family and were very tasty.  All the recipes were found on Pinterest.  There was one other recipe I tried this week from Pinterest but it was only mediocre.  I will definitely make the bubble pizza, taco stuffed shells, and pan de coco again, but I've already planned some tweaking to make them even tastier (and a bit healthier).

Now on to the creamy fennel dressing...
My mom makes this though I'm not sure I do it exactly like she does.  She created it after liking the taste of fennel in a dressing that my aunt (my mom's sister-in-law) made.  Basically, it's a coleslaw dressing with fennel seeds.  I do not have any measurements, sorry!

I take some big scoops of mayonnaise and put them in a bowl.  You can also put the mayonnaise straight into the container you will be using for storage.  Then I add sugar to taste. I like it pretty sweet.  I also add some apple cider vinegar to balance the sweetness and thin it out a bit. I mix it up good and then add fennel seeds.  I like to run the fennel seeds between my hands a little because I feel like it opens up the fennel essence.  I think it's nice to set this in the fridge for a little bit to let the fennel taste really get in there.  I can only imagine how good this dressing would be with homemade mayonnaise.  I have been meaning to make mayonnaise.  I will have to get on that.

This is definitely a thicker dressing (at least it is for me, I will have to ask my mom if it's true for her as well) that you spoon drizzle over your salad instead of pouring.  Now just this week, I used agave instead of sugar and I really liked it.  It was still sweet, the taste was just as good as ever, and the dressing was a bit thinner which I liked.  Also, I feel that with the agave there is a bit less guilt because honestly, I could eat copious amounts of this dressing every day.

So basically, mayonnaise + sugar (or agave) + fennel seeds  = awesome.

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