Monday, November 8, 2010

needed: peggy sue got married time travel experience

I think I’m going through a mid-life (or hopefully third-life) crisis. Seriously.

First off, I am completely coveting this papasan chair I saw at Pier One. A papasan chair, really? I stopped hanging posters on my walls six years ago when I bought my house and now I want a papasan chair. I haven’t seen a papasan chair in a house since Maegan W.’s bedroom in middle school and that was twenty years ago. Twenty. Years. (Speaking of Maegan W., where are you girl? If anyone knows a Maegan W.…she might be married and she might live in Texas now, who knows…put her in touch with me please. I think I would enjoy catching up.)

Next up, I can’t stop thinking about getting another tattoo. I got my last tattoo years ago and though I didn’t necessarily think I was done with them, I haven’t itched for a new one since. Until now. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.

Now before I share this next one, I have to warn Esposo to please not take offense. The following is not meant to show any disrespect or lack of love for him. There are a couple boys, I mean men, who I had crushes on in high school and I can’t stop visiting their Facebook profiles. I can’t help it; I’m fascinated by the fact that they are still attractive and interesting to me. So M., A., and E., if you happen to do one of those “See Who Visits Your Profile” apps and it works, please don’t be creeped out, be flattered (especially you M. because I wouldn’t be surprised if 89% of your profile views are from yours truly). I mean no harm, and personally, I would love it someone from high school admitted to still checking me out.

And finally, this one is really weird. Y’all, I can’t stop thinking about cigarettes. I have never been a smoker so this one really baffles me. Ok, ok, I admit it. Look away now Dad and Grandma, I have smoked a cigarette. I mean after all, I’m 32, it’s 2010, and I live in the “developed” nation of the U.S. of A.; I’ve had a cigarette or two. And readers, this may shock you, but those cigarettes usually accompanied an adult beverage. I know, I know, I am such a heathen (or as Ziggy would say, “a bad girl snake”), but seriously, I was never a smoker smoker and that is why these thoughts are confusing me so. Walking to my car I think to myself, if I smoked I would do it now. On a cold day, I think “wow, it’s cold, but I would still be standing outside having a smoke if I were a smoker.” These thoughts happen after Ziggy goes to bed, when I’m driving, buying coffee, chatting with friends, taking a hot bath, all of the time. All. Of. The. Time. Could there possibly be a nutrient in tobacco in which I am deficient? Do I need to start chewing gum or toothpicks or something? Surely no one in my life, smoker or not, would actually recommend I become a smoker at 32 (and according to my urges a relentless chain smoker at that)?

What is going on with me?!?


Update: When I originally posted this, I had included Maegan W.'s last name. I even received an anonymous comment leading me to her current whereabouts and married name. Since then I have decided to change her last name to just an initial for her privacy. I have also chosen to not publish the anonymous comment with her current information for the same reason. Thank you Anonymous for the info; I do appreciate it!


leahsince1980 said...

It's so great being let in to the world of Elissa!

PS - I think about Sweet Tea (and Sprite) a lot! But, then again, I'm an ex-addict! LOL

Jennifer T. said...

E, while I can't relate to the chair (eventhough it is awesomely cute) or the tattoo (not having one myself), I have found myself craving cigarettes A LOT. But, I used to be a 'smoker' smoker. Of course, if I actually had one, I'd probably think "yuck" immediately.

~gina said...

I want to hop on your time travel experience as well. Let me know when you go :-)

Lynn Lattea Pugh said...

My dear sweet cousin,I don't feel you are abnormal about any of these things,I personally think that it does happen when u turn 30.and with the chair and all.,although I have not wanted anything like that,I have wanted to take trips and see the "Hair" Metal Bands that I was into back in the day...Well the ones still performing that is lol.And I can definately relate about the tattoo,I myself got one well 2,but techincally the 2nd is a cover up,and I haven't thought about another one since and I was just a little over 18 when i got one.Now I have been also having the itch to get 1 or 2 more.I have also smoked,,not heavy by any means but sometimes when I am consuming adult beverages I have wanted to light up.It could be just one of those things that pop up from time to time especially in stressful times I have found myself wanting a cigarette.And also with the whole guys from high school days.. That is also quite normal i feel.I think it would be kinda nifty too and flattering if guys still thought about me from time to time or found me attractive,Although I love my husband dearly and would never pursue anything from the past or nothing of that sort.I was checking out your pic u posted with this and yes u did look very good in 96,not that u don't now but sometimes I wonder about such things too... It is normal,, so no You are not a "Bad Girl Snake lol.. that is adorable by the way...and sign me up for the time travel experience,, I think it would be a blast!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you sister...I think about certain someones ALL the time to. Not up for a smoke but definitely in a drinking mood alot lately. Drinking and tattoos. I could probably go for some tie dye too or better yet (and more fitting for my past) some mary janes and red lipstick!