Friday, November 18, 2011

holy postpartum hormones, batman!

I'm seven weeks postpartum and though the hormonal situation has gotten better, the hormones are still definitely affecting my emotions.  I have had some tiffs with Esposo and I've been not as patient with Ziggy.  I've been annoyed by things that wouldn't normally annoy me. 

What I have found the most humorous is the vast amount of crying I have done while watching television.  It most often happens late at night when Esposo and Ziggy are asleep and I'm nursing Goldie.  Roseanne and thirtysomething on Netflix Instant have gotten to me.  Criminal Minds in syndication has gotten to me.  How I Met Your Mother on dvd has gotten to me.  I bawled through the "Two Beavers are Better than One" episode of How I Met Your Mother which was pretty ridiculous since much of the episode is centered around a beaver joke.  Really?  I bawled about beaver jokes?  During a show I have seen before...multiple times?  In my defense, there is a story line where Lily fears Robin will end their friendship when Lily gets pregnant.  That is at least potentially relevant to my life.

And worse yet, what prompted me to write this post?  I just sobbed through the Regis Farewell Celebration.  Oh Reg. 

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