Friday, January 27, 2012

handy, handy

A friend sent me this post at Raising My 5 Sons for a slew of tips for making things easier around your home. 

I already pop popcorn in a brown paper bag and I love it!  When I was young, we made cupcake cones all the time, but I haven't done it with Ziggy yet, but now we will be doing it soon.  I'm also going to try using velcro and magnet strips for organization.

Do you think you will try any of the tips from the post?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My mom sent me this post, and I immediately made the cupcake-pan-art-holder! As long as you have really strong magnets it works great, and I love knowing when the cups get icky I can throw them out. Plus its colorful and organized, so I don't mind looking at it. I'm thinking about doing the velco-stuffed-animal-holder too, but I'm afraid Bella would object on the grounds of animal cruelty.