Monday, April 16, 2012

a good (reading) problem to have

I had two books that had been on the library hold list forever finally come in today.  That's great news except the books are IQ84 (by Haruki Murakami) and 11/22/63: A Novel (by Stephen King) and they are both very long.  I love thick books but there's no way I can get them both read before the due date.  I'm sure someone else has a hold on them as well, so I can't renew.  And on top of that, I'm in the middle of The Night Circus (which I also had to wait a long time for) and my National Reading Group Month/Great Group Reads Selection Committee books are starting to arrive.  So much reading, so little time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely read 11.22.63! It is such a great book. I'm not usually a Stephen King fan because I don't like scary stuff but this book was fantastic.