Saturday, April 14, 2012

ziggy's choices for names/ziggy's first love

Ziggy and I have a game we play together on the iPad.  A couple weeks ago we hatched a pet phoenix and Ziggy chose to name it "Emily" which I'm pretty sure was after a friend who we had just visited with the same name.  A little bit of time after that we hatched a unicorn (I wouldn't think a unicorn would hatch, but whatevs) and he decided to name it "Goofy Goldie."

Mae is a young lady he met last year and he has yet to stop talking about her.  He wants to take her on dates, go for walks on the beach with her, and marry her.  Recently he told me he was going to marry Goldie, and I thought he had moved on from Mae, but I think I was wrong.  Since that day I asked him if Goldie and I were his girls and he grinned and said "yes."  I asked if anyone else was his girl and he replied, "Mae."

Today he came back from a quick trip with Esposo and showed me a weed that he needed to feed "his bird." (I can only assume he had named a bird he saw in the backyard earlier today.)  

"What bird?" I asked.

"Mae," he told me in the same tone as if he had said, "duh."

Oh Mae, you  don't even know how much of an impression you made on Ziggy.  Apparently, you're his sweet, little bird.

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